SMMA Resources

COVID-19 Resources:
Web Link: Center for Disease Control & Prevention
CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.
Web Link: Covid 19 and the Black Community
Van Jones writes the myth that African Americans — especially younger ones — cannot get coronavirus is dangerous and must be exposed for the fallacy it is. Prominent figures with the African American, including pastors, commentators and influencers, can take lead in calling attention to the crisis.
Video Link: National Medical Association President To African Americans | The Last Word | MSNBC
MSNBC Last Word with National Medical Association President Dr. Oliver Brooks MSNBC Last Word with Dr. Oliver Brooks
Other Resources:
Web Link: Physicians Medical Forum
PMF’s main purpose is to encourage the recruitment and retention of African-American physicians, and the betterment of health care for people in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area communities.
Web Link: National Medical Association
The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health.
Web Link: Student National Medical Association
The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is the oldest and largest student-run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color. Membership includes more than 6,000 medical students, pre-medical students, residents and physicians. Established in 1964 by medical students from Howard University and Meharry medical schools, the SNMA boasts over 40 years of advocacy and service to underserved communities and medical students.
Web Link:
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Web Link: Black Nurses Association
NBNA mission is to provide a forum for collective action by African American nurses to “investigate, define and determine what the health care needs of African Americans are and to implement change to make available to African Americans and other minorities health care commensurate with that of the larger society”.
Black doctors podcast:
- Guns, Racism, and the Growing Mental Traumas of our People with Dr. Rahn Kennedy Bailey >>> listen here
- Is the Healthcare System Built for Black People to Survive the Coronavirus with Dr. Oliver Brooks >>> listen here
- Navigating the Pressures of Blackness During a Global Pandemic with John Eligon >>> listen here
Their Instagram page: @blackdoctorsspeak
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